Cool stuff Whizzer Bikes - Ride One, You'll Buy One




REGGIE AND CAROLYN WILLIAMS, TERRY McALLISTER, GENE ZOSS and other great collectors. Click here to watch "The Whizzer Gang" July 2007 by WGN9 Chicago.
STEPHEN KING, one of our Georgia dealers, took a very special trip on his Whizzer.  Check it out!  Click here to watch Moped Minister Trek to Texas on CBS46 News in Atlanta.
DAN TROUTMAN, a customer who owns six Whizzers in Pennsylvania, discusses motorized bicycles on ABC27 News. Click here to watch "Motorized Bikes" October 2008 on WHTM ABC27 News.
ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA (February, 2008) The Mighty Whizzer by Greg Williams
THE WONDERFUL OLD WHIZZER MOTORBIKE WEB SITE -The most informative collection of information on the original Whizzers we have ever seen! A Beginner's Guide to the Original Whizzer Motorbike


RIF ADDAMS (May-June, 2003) (Mr. Addams Web Site) (Boone News Article) (Ogden Reporter Article) (Photo of Mr. Addams in Iowa)
Mr. Addams began a journey on May 16, 2003 to replicate a journey made by Mr. George Wyman in 1903.  He began in San Francisco heading toward  New York City using as much as possible the same route that Mr. Wyman had taken. He rode on a 1905 Mead Roadster bike with a new Whizzer engine.  He made it most of the way until right at the end the frame on his bike broke in half.   Please click the above links for newspaper articles written about his journey.  A very brave soul indeed!  
GLEN and STAR ALLEN (June-July 2002) (Day to Day Recap of Their Grand Adventure)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen began their adventure on June 1, 2002 to travel on a new Whizzer Classic motorbike from Yakima, Washington to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan for a family reunion.  The Allen's phoned us almost daily to let us know how they were doing and gave us detail of miles and events that happened along the way. Mr. Allen enjoyed riding his Whizzer so much that they made the same trip again all the way home. He rode his Whizzer 4,552 miles during their trip. Click on the link above to enjoy reading an almost daily recap of their heart-warming journey.  


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